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Отсутствуют альбомы исполнителя Nightwish
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Тексты, не помещенные ни в один альбом:
10th Man Down
Angels Falls First
A Return To The Sea
Astral Romance
Bare grace misery
Bless The Child
Chrimson tide
Come Cover Me
Dead Boy`s Poem
Dead To The World
Deep Silent Complete
Devil & The Deep Dark Ocean
Feel For You
Know Why The Nightingale Sings
Lappi (Lapland)
Nymphomaniac Fantasia
Once Upon A Troubadour
Passion And The Opera
Phantom Of The Opera
She Is My Sin
Slaying The Dreamer
Sleeping Sun
The Carpenter
The Kinslayer
The Riddler
Two For Tragedy
Walking In The Air
Wish I Had An Angel

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