Текст песни
Количество правок текста: 1 Редактировать текстThe Better Life Down Poison ! It's not too hard. Pretty easy, really, but a lot of fun to play. ! All Power Chords, I think ! Use Distortion Intro: <A C A E G> } x2 <A C A E> } x1 Verse 1: 1x with no words 2x "I dreamed about this..." G C B G E } x2 G C B G } x1 Pre-Chorus: "Walk into my world..." E G C B E } x4 Chorus: "Down Poison" C A B E C A B (hold) Verse 2: <E G C B> Pre-Chorus: "Walk into my world" E G C B E } x4 Chorus: "Down Poison" C A B E } x2 C A B } x1 Solo: I haven't figured it out yet. Chorus: "Down Poison" C A B E } x7 C A B } x1 Pre-Chorus: "Walk into my world" G C B G E } x3 G C B G } x1 Chorus: "Down Poison" C A B E } x3 C A B } x1 Outro: LOTS of distortion ! <E> power chord ! rhythm: [s-e-s-s-s-s-e-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s]!! } x3 ! s = sixteenth note ! e = eighth note
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