Текст песни
Количество правок текста: 1 Редактировать текстIncesticide (1992) Hairspray Queen ! Drop D NOTE: This is an approxamation, or as close as I could come without losing my mind Bassline: 1|------------ 2|---------8-- 3|-5---------7 4|---0-3/----- Intro: 1|-4- 2|-4- 3|-5- 4|-3- 5|-3- 6|-3- ! play that chord for a few measures, make up your own rhythm. Then ! you play this repeating annoying riff: 1|-4---6-----7---8-----9---9--13-/7~~--76-64-4/6-6 2|---6---6-----7---8-8---9----13-/7~~--76-64-4/6-6 ! play that 2x, and after the second time play some ! harmonics for a few measures. ! The next time you play that riff, instead of playing ! harmonics, do this: 4|-9~~~-98-86-6/8-8 5|-9~~~-98-86-6/8-8 6|-9~~~-98-86-6/8-8 Chorus: 4|-2- 5|-2- 6|-2- Outro: 6|-87-7-76-6-65-5-54-43-32- ! play that 4x, then an <E5> ! TABULATURE DEFINITION ! What all the little symbols in the tab mean... ! ) = Bend ! / = slide ! ~~ = vibrato ! ^ = hammeron/pulloff ! PM = Palm mute ! * = uncontrolled feedback ! xx = pick scrape ! NH = Natural Harmonic ! + = Tremelo Pick ! ) = Unison Bend ! ) ! @@@@@=Smash Guitar
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